Saturday 17 December 2011

Snow shoveling and hyperthermia

Today started like most days, albeit a little more the worse for wear due to several drinks consumed at the local last night. After I had cleaned the rooms (no sick in the bins today thank god) i decided to attempt to clear some of the snow off the balcony.... This snow is about 3-4ft deep and icy at the bottom! I was doing pretty well, i managed to do half the balcony then at the deepest point i jumped on it and tried to make an igloo. This was a severe fail. i shortly gave up and then found out i had to help shovel the 3ft snow out of the drive way.
There we were, 4 of us, all women, some petite shoveling this snow so that the mini bus will be able to get in. And where were the boys?! they were too busy preping for dinner, although i think that this is probably true.

I went skiing for the first time today with Sarah on her board and Tina, who has just learned to ski. It was good, but i leant Sarah my gloves and turned out that i needed them. It was 06 and i fell over and got icy cold hands, i ended up having to ski back because i was soo cold. Also we had gotten lost which didn't help matters and we had to go quite high to be able to get back to our chalet.

Anyway it's time for a shower, I am so cold i feel like i will never be warm again, except my hands are warm! Mental, and maybe a hot choc to feel realllly nice :)

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