Tuesday 6 December 2011

Day 1 (written on day 2)

Soooo the journey, it was long, and tiring. I don't think it was the best idea to have 2 late nights before travelling. The hire car was lush to drive, although it did take roughly 4 1/2 hours to realise that there was a 6th gear which was far more economical. I managed to meet the coach, but this was not without major panic.
Why a major panic i hear you ask? Well no one told me that you just have to drop off the car keys in the drop box at the place. I arrived an hour early and waited for someone to turn up and collect the car. This inevitable did not happen. It was coming up to twenty to 8 and I was meant to meet  the coach at 8pm. Fortunately, I had a friend on hand texting me, advising that i should call 118247 for a taxi service..... It took 4 companies to finally get a taxi within the next 5 mins to get me to the transport office at the docks. Needless to say i was frantic and shaking etc.

The coach journey was horrific. Apart from there being few seats left (as i did get on the last stop) the seat i chose had a broken foot rest, that was up the whole time, this resulted in bruised coxics i swear! But we got there in one piece and were greeted with a major hill to walk up with our luggage, very happy i didn't have a ski bag or board bag extra to carry.

erm i've met some very interesting people, some people on career breaks, i.e. clincial psychologist, we got an aussie, a kiwi ermmmm and some crazy welsh! hahaha anyway, i shall write day two later this evening possible!

Ciao for now xx

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