Tuesday 13 December 2011

The Night Before

It's been pretty manic here I won't lie! Basically after the 4 days of training (useless info on how to clean a toilet etc.) we have been given 3 days to set up 4 chalets. These four chalets have not been in use since last season. These chalets are reasonably sized places. Imagine 8months of dust and dirt settling on a place and trying to get it spotless in 3 days when you do not have all the correct tools, as well as having to sort light bulbs, make inventories and settle into a new location.

Our guests arrive tomorrow afternoon and currently our living area has just had the dustsheets taken off, and dinner tables cleared. I managed to find mini coffee cups and saucers and the chef bought me some tea lights on a grocery run, so I've managed to spruce the place up a bit. But neither me nor the ski host have much knowledge about the resort or the lifts. Some of the lifts are not even open yet! It's totally mental.

On one hand I'm excited about guests arriving. However, with 12 guests and two of them being children, and the snow not being fantastic although it is trying to snow, it's going to be an interesting first week. Which bring me onto my second thing, it's Christmas next week! When did that happen? When I left it seemed like Christmas was ages away but now, it's around the corner and I have not mentally prepared myself for all the Christmas cheer that will be going around, and spending Christmas Day with guests...... I have to work that day but we do get Boxing day off, and more importantly, for the first time ever in our company's history, we get New Year's Day off! Fantastic, though I will have to cook breakfast for the guests.

Tomorrow morning i will be up bright and early, the ski host who i share a room with will be leaving the chalet at about 6.45 to go to the airport, (its a long journey due to hairpin bends and them having to drive a minibus in icy snowy conditions). I offered to shovel snow out the way for them, and then i will be running around like a mad man trying to complete everything that needs to be done by 1pm, that's cleaning 1 bathroom, 3 toilets, a living area, setting up Christmas decorations, polishing all the cutlery mopping and hoovering all the floors. It's gonna be a tough one but I'm up for the challenge!

Wish me luck :)  

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