Wednesday 28 December 2011

Christmas Working

Our guests who stayed over Christmas were lovely. We had a large family of 17 spread over 3 generations. I was apprehensive at first, sure it would feel like we would be invading upon their Christmas? But no, they were lovely and I spent most of my day feeling verrrry hungover! I also helped Ollie our chef as much as i could. There was so much to prep, as Rachel's (the ski host) mum and brother were joining our 17 guests, this put the total up to 21 meals including Rachel and myself. As it was roast turkey for dinner i decided to go for the nut roast option as we had two vegetarian's.
I think we were working from 7.30am until about 11.45pm. In this time I had about 2 hours off to have a hangover nap and make family phone calls. Never have i worked so hard in my life. Even though the guests were feeling christmassy and put on Christmas music and opened presents, for us it felt like the big day had passed us by. We were going to go to the pub but no, by the end of a ridiculously long day and only just having gotten over one hangover it was a mutual decision to stay in and get a good night sleep.
For the first time ever in the company history we had Boxing Day off. I think we woke about 9am ish. Then found out we were going skiing over to Courcheval. I had just gotten out the shower when i found this out. Speed dressing was involved.  We went to Meribel first and i think on the way there we found the beginning of a snow park, the boys went over the jumps and lil ol' me went over the humps on the side! I have never skied as fast as i did that day. I had some almighty wipe outs, involving rolls skis falling off and hitting me on the head (i will wear my helmet from now on), erm, oh yes and falling over sliding down the slope head first for about 20metres (this happened on more than one occasion). I now have a lovely bump on my head, but i am very satisfied that i managed to almost keep up with the guys (and gals) i went with. They were also impressed with my whole 4 weeks worth of skiing that we ended up on a black slope, this i did not fall over on. Just took my time down it, as it was rather icy and extremely steep.

Right i had better get ready to set up for dinner service. We have new guests (another big group of 15) and its canapes tonight!

Thursday 22 December 2011

can't have it all

The first week's guests have now left, so i feel it is now safe to write about them without the risk of one of them looking over my shoulder. We had a lovely family, 4 students, a couple and a divorcee with his two kids. Most of the week was fine. I ran around after them like i should, cleaning rooms etc. First full day i ended up cleaning sick out of one of the student's bins! Not what i expected. Then later in the week another student fell over running from the hot tub to the snow outside and back. His injury.... His second toe nail had been almost completely ripped off. Guess who had to play nurse! His girlfriend kinda left him to it. So with my handy plasters and Savlon, (we do not have a first aid kit!)  i patched him up. I didn't pull his toe nail off but i watched him pull it off in the spa shower. It did make me feel really rather nauseous, as it looked like there was so much blood in the shower tray but obviously the water from the shower had diluted it. Needless to say the 3 student guys were impressed with my dealing with the situation and not being squeamish like they all were. Must have come from my mother. :)

The other set of our guests that stood out was the divorcee and his 2 kids. They were the only Northern people out of the guests and in my opinion he had a big chip on his shoulder. I didn't realise the whole Northern Southern difference were still so prominent. They thought of us as posh! But Graham (changed his name for privacy reasons) was not a very nice man. He would sit on skype just before dinner and get his kids to talk to their mums (half brother and sister), this is fair enough, but the girl was 14 and the boy 12, and this happened every night! I mean for goodness sake it is only one week! Another thing is he treated the ski host as a ski instructor which is not on when his kids had only had about 7 hrs practise in a snowdome! It meant that everyone in the ski hosting session had to wait for them. But then on the last evening when we were all settling up the honesty bar, he gave Rachel (ski host) 10 euros to settle a 7 euro debt, and said "I'll take a snickers in the morning, and you can keep the change"..... That was our tip.... bearing in mind we each received 20euros from the couple and 10euros each from the other family and an eighth of a bottle of vodka from the students!

Our next load of guests.... a group of 17 who are a family and are out for Christmas. They're all lovely and very helpful when it comes to clearing up! It helps to save so much time.

Ciao for now  

Saturday 17 December 2011

Snow shoveling and hyperthermia

Today started like most days, albeit a little more the worse for wear due to several drinks consumed at the local last night. After I had cleaned the rooms (no sick in the bins today thank god) i decided to attempt to clear some of the snow off the balcony.... This snow is about 3-4ft deep and icy at the bottom! I was doing pretty well, i managed to do half the balcony then at the deepest point i jumped on it and tried to make an igloo. This was a severe fail. i shortly gave up and then found out i had to help shovel the 3ft snow out of the drive way.
There we were, 4 of us, all women, some petite shoveling this snow so that the mini bus will be able to get in. And where were the boys?! they were too busy preping for dinner, although i think that this is probably true.

I went skiing for the first time today with Sarah on her board and Tina, who has just learned to ski. It was good, but i leant Sarah my gloves and turned out that i needed them. It was 06 and i fell over and got icy cold hands, i ended up having to ski back because i was soo cold. Also we had gotten lost which didn't help matters and we had to go quite high to be able to get back to our chalet.

Anyway it's time for a shower, I am so cold i feel like i will never be warm again, except my hands are warm! Mental, and maybe a hot choc to feel realllly nice :)

Friday 16 December 2011

First ever snowboarding lesson!

I managed to scab a free snowboarding lesson yesterday. It was immense. I went with one of the other chalet girls who works in our company and one of her guests. We drove down to Les Menuires to the learner slopes. the snow was, well not pouring, but it was pretty strong and there was a bit of wind, so it was definitely goggle weather. Many lifts were closed so the main slopes down was really busy. We trudged across the bottom to the nursery slope.
Now when learning to do skiing or snowboarding for the very first time they normally put you on a small slope with not much of an incline first and teach you how to stop etc. Well my friend Roman who was the instructor put me on one of these slopes and told me what i needed to do. On my heels to go across, flat to turn and use my shoulders to turn then toe edge when i finished turning. It sounds more difficult than what it is. So he helped me down this little slope about 2 or 3 times, as in he walked behind me so he was basically guiding me.
Then all of a sudden he goes "right, on the moving carpet".....  This is like a conveyor belt up the nursery slope. This slope is not really long, or steep. But when you have not been told how to stop or slip down the mountain its exceedingly daunting. That whole afternoon i was spent attempting to go down this slope, mostly having to wait for Roman to guide me down, and then he made me go down on my own and i fell over towards the bottom. A total face plant. I put my hands out to catch myself (a complete no no for snowboarders). This resulted in my hands bashing into my upper chest and i lay there in agony. I honestly thought i had broken both of my collar bones. Thankfully my friend Sarah is a nurse and she came running up the slope and Roman came running down the slope. Rather dramatic really. I was crying yes, but thankfully my goggles hid this embarrassing fact! After i tried sitting up Roman said i had to unzip my top to check my inter something, which sounded very much like another word beginning with inter! This made me laugh and i said that nothing was broken but he checked my upper chest anyway. I had only winded myself and gotten a bit of whiplash. roman was worried that i was upset but i manged at least another two times down the slope although i was taking it slower.
By the end of the lesson i was told that i was a natural! I'm not sure whether to believe this or not. I think he was trying to make me feel good. I was chucked in at the deep that's all.

Well I hope you enjoyed that! I sure enjoyed the snowboarding.

Thursday 15 December 2011

First whole day with guests

So I was left yesterday to finish the whole chalet by myself, this was a task and a half! But i managed it.
Our guests arrived about 2.30pm, they're all really nice, we have two families, a couple and a group of youths i suppose you would say.
the first thing to go "wrong" was the couple weren't too impressed that there were children in the chalet, but it is a family chalet so there's nothing we could do. they weren't too happy at the idea of kids eating at the table with them either, but they went out for a walk before we could ask if it was alright to do it. In the end we made the decision to have everyone eat together on the first night for the announcements.
Service.... well it was interesting, Ollie dear of him had never cooked in the kitchen before! The soup was too runny apparently, and the chicken and leek pie was difficult to dish up quickly, i ended up dishing up the pie which was served in tea cups! And yes i managed to drop one and smash it, needless to say a cheer went up! it was totally embarrassing.
The lemon tart went wrong as the pastry fell apart! So all in all it was a stressful evening but it went well and all the gusts enjoyed what they had.

I did promise some photos so here they are :)
 The slide out toilet!

The view from my bedroom window

The Balcony

 My lovely clean living area!

Honesty bar

 Lots of snow on the balcony! Got to clear it off by tomorrow lunch for the picnic!

Tuesday 13 December 2011

The Night Before

It's been pretty manic here I won't lie! Basically after the 4 days of training (useless info on how to clean a toilet etc.) we have been given 3 days to set up 4 chalets. These four chalets have not been in use since last season. These chalets are reasonably sized places. Imagine 8months of dust and dirt settling on a place and trying to get it spotless in 3 days when you do not have all the correct tools, as well as having to sort light bulbs, make inventories and settle into a new location.

Our guests arrive tomorrow afternoon and currently our living area has just had the dustsheets taken off, and dinner tables cleared. I managed to find mini coffee cups and saucers and the chef bought me some tea lights on a grocery run, so I've managed to spruce the place up a bit. But neither me nor the ski host have much knowledge about the resort or the lifts. Some of the lifts are not even open yet! It's totally mental.

On one hand I'm excited about guests arriving. However, with 12 guests and two of them being children, and the snow not being fantastic although it is trying to snow, it's going to be an interesting first week. Which bring me onto my second thing, it's Christmas next week! When did that happen? When I left it seemed like Christmas was ages away but now, it's around the corner and I have not mentally prepared myself for all the Christmas cheer that will be going around, and spending Christmas Day with guests...... I have to work that day but we do get Boxing day off, and more importantly, for the first time ever in our company's history, we get New Year's Day off! Fantastic, though I will have to cook breakfast for the guests.

Tomorrow morning i will be up bright and early, the ski host who i share a room with will be leaving the chalet at about 6.45 to go to the airport, (its a long journey due to hairpin bends and them having to drive a minibus in icy snowy conditions). I offered to shovel snow out the way for them, and then i will be running around like a mad man trying to complete everything that needs to be done by 1pm, that's cleaning 1 bathroom, 3 toilets, a living area, setting up Christmas decorations, polishing all the cutlery mopping and hoovering all the floors. It's gonna be a tough one but I'm up for the challenge!

Wish me luck :)  

Sunday 11 December 2011

Discovery and Moving

The last day of training was pretty intense. We had two tests, one about health and safety and the other about the ski company I am working for. The healthy and safety test was pretty basic, however i did not realise that a freezer should be -18 degrees Celsius to be effective! The other test was the more nerve racking one. We needed to know about all 18 chalets the company has, about the hiring of skis, the destinations of the chalets and costs of ski passes. Somehow, amazingly, i got 41 out of 45, one of four people who got this score. We were the joint highest score! Now, usually with things like this, one does not expect to get a prize, as its like part of our training. But no, low and behold, the winners each got 3 free days of ski pass upgrades. With will save over 60 euros!

The rest of the day was spent hanging around waiting to find out where we would be placed. It took until about 10.45pm to find out. We were supposed to know by 10pm at the latest. however, some of the girl were kicking up serious fuss about where they wanted to go, which was making the placements difficult.

I hear you all asking where I have been placed in the alps. Well, I have been shipped off to Reberty near Les Menuires. This resort is very close to Val Thorens and is about 2000m so the snow guarantee is pretty good. At first I was not too sure about this location, as it is a small village, however, since arriving and seeing the chalet. St.Michel, i am very happy. I am at most 20 meters from the piste. And the people here are lovely.

Today was spent cleaning the 4 chalets that the company own, i rephrase that, deep cleaning was what we were doing. St Michel has 7 rooms, some small and some large. The one i have decided i do not like is the one with a jacuzzi bath. It took me 20mins to clean the thing and mostly with a toothbrush as jets were pretty gross!

Tomorrow we have a lovely hot tub and sauna cleaning session as well as the communal areas and one last room that i didn't have the will to clean. Wish me luck for tomorrow and maybe I'll be able to give you an update!

Thursday 8 December 2011

Day 4

We finally got our uniform today! Last of the employees. The sound of being issued a fleece struck fear into the heart of me but low and behold it was a soft shell, which kinda resembles wetsuit material and looks really rather cool. And another amazing thing, i managed to fit a size medium in that and polo shirts. It totally made my day!

The training is pretty boring. We did our first room cleans yesterday which weren't too bad, except these perilous stairs in some of the rooms to get to the second level, proper dangerous, they're like ladders and you have to carry the biggest hoovers up and down them! Today we only had one bedroom to clean, and my team mate (who i am no the biggest fan of) had to clean the chefs room...... Lets just say i wish i had no sense of smell. 3 boys, chefs/ kitchen workers at that. My god! The room was a mess, pillow cases hadn't been bothered to put on, sheets not tucked in, tobacco all over the place etc. Not impressed.

I did my first dinner service last night, it wasn't too bad actually, there were two kitchens running and in each kitchen they were cooking two complete meals. To say it was confusing would be an understatement but we coped well i think. I even got a clap when i picked up a ridiculous amount of plates on one arm and took a big veg dish in the other.

I'm thinking about getting a french pay as you go sim card so that i can get internet for my bbm, i may have to Google which kind i could get a decent internet package on so that i could get my bbm and if it would even work. We tried in a tabac today and even though they had sim cards, they didn't understand my exceedingly shoddy french, asking if i can get internet on the sim lol!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Day2 on Day 2

boring training, i've learnt it all before, customer service, and cleanliness! reading through the manual sentence by sentence. dead boring

had the best duck leg for dinner i bet many would be envious.

not much more to update really!

Day 1 (written on day 2)

Soooo the journey, it was long, and tiring. I don't think it was the best idea to have 2 late nights before travelling. The hire car was lush to drive, although it did take roughly 4 1/2 hours to realise that there was a 6th gear which was far more economical. I managed to meet the coach, but this was not without major panic.
Why a major panic i hear you ask? Well no one told me that you just have to drop off the car keys in the drop box at the place. I arrived an hour early and waited for someone to turn up and collect the car. This inevitable did not happen. It was coming up to twenty to 8 and I was meant to meet  the coach at 8pm. Fortunately, I had a friend on hand texting me, advising that i should call 118247 for a taxi service..... It took 4 companies to finally get a taxi within the next 5 mins to get me to the transport office at the docks. Needless to say i was frantic and shaking etc.

The coach journey was horrific. Apart from there being few seats left (as i did get on the last stop) the seat i chose had a broken foot rest, that was up the whole time, this resulted in bruised coxics i swear! But we got there in one piece and were greeted with a major hill to walk up with our luggage, very happy i didn't have a ski bag or board bag extra to carry.

erm i've met some very interesting people, some people on career breaks, i.e. clincial psychologist, we got an aussie, a kiwi ermmmm and some crazy welsh! hahaha anyway, i shall write day two later this evening possible!

Ciao for now xx

Saturday 3 December 2011

Night before leaving

Technically, I leave today, but it's the first chance I've had to write!
I'm still not totally finished and ready to leave. This is very lazy by my normal standards. However, I have finally done my main bag, this did involve kneeling on it so that the zip (that looked like it was going to split) would close. I'm sure that many women have been in this position!
There is just the make up, jewelry, lap top and straighteners to be packed, plus some last minute "ohmygod i may need that!" items that inevitably get thrown in last minute and never actually get used!

The hire car pick up is at 10am. I'm thinking of getting up about 7am. This should leave me with enough time to sort out the last minute bits and bobs that no doubt will take up until the last second before i leave!

But right now, the thing i need to do most is get some sleep. Not much of that has been happening lately.
Wish me luck on my journey tomorrow and I shall update as soon as i can for you all my lovelies.    

Friday 2 December 2011

Final Packing

The final pack is, I find, the most stressful pack of them all. It's make or break. Do i take that extra pair of leggings or will one pair suffice? Do I really need two pairs of PJ bottoms? and then there's the hairdryer, is that totally essential? The bag is nearly full, I don't have my second ski jacket, I don't have my hair dryer, or my bed linen or my towel. The blood pressure is rising and I have not even packed my hand luggage! Wish me luck my friends! Or send Mary Poppins my way.

Thursday 1 December 2011

I did promise some photos of my recent purchases for my mountain adventure. I managed to find my camera, charge it and take photos and load them up! One thing, I must excuse the mess in the background. Typical packing mayhem is in progress!

These are my new "everyday" boots. Nice and waterproof and sturdy!

The mess of packing and Christmas presents I'm to distribute before I leave.

My ridiculously priced eyeshadow palette

Last but not least, my lovely new hair straighteners. 
This is all I'm able to do this evening. Short post i know! But leave a comment if you want and I'll reply as soon as i can :)