Monday 2 January 2012

New Year's Eve

One of the biggest nights of the year. The whole resort team have been working so hard the past three weeks that we had not really made any plans for our New Year's Celebrations. It was about 2 days before that we learnt about a band being on the piste in Les Menuires. So, we decided that we should make our way down.

We finished service and cleared away as quickly as we could. I think it was about half ten when we made it over to one of the other chalets. It was decided that we take the bus down, but after a few drinks the boys and one of the chalet hosts decided that they thought it would be a good idea to bum board/sledge down the piste to Les Menuires. The rest of us thought hell no the bus will be here soon. But then thought we ought to hitch hike as the bus was late. A white transporter van stopped after all 4 of us stuck out our thumbs and gave us a lift down. There were two men in the front, and said we could have a lift if we could fit in. From where we were standing we laughed as there looked like there was tons of space in the back... Until we opened the slidey door and there was a pile of skis and snowboards. But determined to get down we all climbed in. Turned out the two men were Russians and as we were driving down the driver pulled out a bottle of wine and started swigging away at the wheel! We were all shocked but laughed it off and he shared it out with us. The white slave trade did cross our minds at one point but in no time we were being dropped off in Les Menuires where we preceded to find the boys.

The night was pretty heavy! It was raining outside, but we didn't really notice it. We went into a couple of bars ordered many drinks and it was all really friendly. One bar we went in had people actually hanging from the rafters and dancing on barrels and all sorts. It was totally immense. We could hardly move and i was stuck between someone dancing on a table and a tall guy. We ended up in another bar not long after where there was a bit more space on the dance floor, by this point i had drunk enough to dance stupidly all over the floor.

Post drinking we had not really gathered a plan to get back up the mountain. Reberty 2000 is at least 250m higher than Les Menuires. Rachel our ski host did bring a page of taxi numbers, but once again the boys had it in their heads to walk up piste. Not the best idea! I must have walked twice as far because I could not walk in a straight line to save my life! Many of us were falling over as well. 3/4 way up the piste we managed to hit a snowdrift that was mid thigh height. At this point i did fall over and think god it would be so nice to curl up and sleep here. But survival instinct kicked in and i forced myself to stand up and stride through the snow to the path that one of the boys had found. Then i power walked right back to one of the chalets. I ended up not in my chalet but one of the other chalet hosts where we chilled out tilled about 4.30am. It was very disorientating in the morning trying to remember where i was and what happened. But yes that is my story, in brief of New Year's Eve. :)

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