Monday 16 January 2012

New People

So I'm pretty sure i've already written about meeting the other resort staff, Ski Famille workers and Family Ski workers. Today Sarah and I decided to practice our snowboarding skills. Sarah focusing upon making her turns smaller and me practising my heel to toe edge turns. Anyway, down in Les Menuires we bumped into the Ski Famille bunch, Alex, Dan and James and we were invited to do a few runs with them. After a heavy night the night before Sarah was feeling the worse for wear and was apprehensive about going with them, just because we are pretty slow and not that great.... yet!

We ended up going up a couple of blue runs and it was so fun to be out with new people and ended up in La Ferme with a demi peche and organising a night out in a club. This is something we have not had a chance to do yet. There is a club down by the Bruyeres lift called Libertee or something along those lines. It has a shuttle bus that can come and pick us up which is pretty good as i do not ever fancy walking anywhere at night in this place! Far toooo cold. So, we have organised to go over to the Ski Famille staff living area for pre drinks. I'm pretty excited about this as although i love my colleagues, some can get a bit tiresome after a while.

I shall write a post soon of how it goes, we're also skiing to Meribel tomorrow to pick up the minibus and then driving to Courcheval for a night out and Ollie will drive us all back! Going to be mental me thinks. Anyways i had better get some beauty sleep, i resemble a zombie at the moment. Night :)

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