Saturday 28 January 2012


I had thought of a great topic earlier this morning whilst i was clearing away the breakfast mess. However, between now and then I have totally forgotten this. So I have decided to talk about ailments in the Alps. There are things happening to our bodies that i never knew could happen. For instance the main pain that I seem to have noticed for everyone, not just me, is splits. Not the legs at ridiculous angle splits, but your actual skin splitting.

The splits occur when the skin is dry and cracks. This has happened to me around the edges of my fingers by the nails. It makes cleaning and making the beds a nightmare. No matter how much hand cream is applied it seems that your skin will inevitably dry out.

Another ailment that occurred most within the first few weeks were burns. Mostly for the chalet hosts when helping out in the kitchen. The plates go in the ovens and come out so hot you have to have about four layers of  tea towel so as not to drop the plate on the way to the table (about 4 feet away!). The mini burns i got meant that anything warm was excruciating pain on my fingers. Although i must say Ollie our chef really did a good burn last night. He picked up the hob ring and didn't realise that he'd left it on a low heat. His fingers practically stuck to the metal. Half an hour later he was still running his hand under icy cold water. Four fingers on one hand burnt. This morning they have blistered nicely, but apparently running under cold water for that amount of time have meant that they do not hurt as much as they should.

And finally, we all know that skiing/snowboarding incurs many bruises. Mostly for me my legs are like dot to dot. On the side of my upper left thigh i have a beautiful green/blue 4 inch bruise for snowboarding and tumbling down the mountain.

So that's all for now, i have powder and a new snowboard to try out awaiting me! Ciao for now

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