Friday 2 March 2012

General Chit Chat!

Sorry for not having done an update for a while, things have been hectic really. There's a bit of goss to write about and a bit of general stuff as well.

So, first things first, i'm not sure if i have already written this but my ski host and chef are now an official item, this has been an awkward transition. I'm sure one can imagine that when you work with two other people in such an intense close environment, it can be very third wheel like. This was how i have been feeling recently, and on Tuesday i decided i couldn't hack it and wanted to work in a different chalet for the night. However, this did not happen, our new manager Gary, aka Silver Fox, said that the guests in his chalet were way too demanding and that next week i'll be in his chalet. But as he could not offer me the respite i wanted, he offered to let me join him on the minibus journey to La Plagne to drop Stuart back (a temp chef). this was an alright journey apart from the fact I'd had, at most, 4 hours sleep the night before because I'd been out clubbing. We shall talk about what happened then in a minute.
La Plagne was nice, it was interesting to see how a chalet hotel runs in comparison to a chalet and also to meet the other chalet hosts. On the way back (a rather awkward drive) we stopped at Carrefour in Moutiers and i bought some socks. Now this to the common person may not be an important thing, but up here socks get lost within about 10 seconds of coming off your feet. I came out with about 7 pairs, and only have like 3 pairs left. And socks are not cheap, i bought two packs of 3 and it came to something like 8 or 9 euros. So they had better be good quality.

Within the chalet, things seem to have settled down a bit, i think i may have been getting a bit highly strung and freaked out by working with a couple. I'm not the best person at dealing with these things. But it is nice to have the room to myself now and then.

That now kind of leads on to my Tuesday night out. So my personal life, in terms of relationships does not get written about just because, it's personal you know. I have become close friends with a certain chef from a different company, but things aren't going so well for him at the moment, he found out he's going to become a dad and he doesn't want to be but it's too late and it's his ex girlfriend. He'd been a bit funny with me for the past several days and i got a bee in my bonnet about it and wasn't very happy. Anyway, there was a bit of a party over at the accommodation where he works and so i went on over hung out and got rather drunken. There were a couple of different companies there, and it was really nice to all socialise together. My chef guy hardly spoke more than 5 words to me. So i hung out with his friends and got drunk. We didn't leave for the club until about 1.30am and somehow, oh wait the guys sledged down to the club and we got the minibus. Either way, i met a new friend, and spent the whole night chatting to him, he wouldn't tell me his name, or age or where he came from, as he thought it was entertaining for me to have to guess. Rather more frustrating if you ask me. Anyways, we spent the whole night chatting, i don't even think i spoke to anyone else really. It was pretty antisocial of me i suppose. But basically he's a snowboarder, was manager of 3 chalets before the dodgy company he worked for fired him and several of the employees for no reason. Unfortunately he's going home next week, but we had an interesting conv about beluga whales, him being a unicorn catcher and that he caught the Loch Ness monster. Very random i know, and i haven't the foggiest memory of how it came about. Either way he came home with me. But oh yeah i forgot to point out a very important detail in this, he told me in the club that he has a thing going on with one of his past guests, and apparently she is waiting for him back in England....... Yes not impressed i know. Because i thought we were pretty much perfect combo.

I'm getting pretty tired so i may finish this entry tomorrow. :) Night! x

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