Friday 23 March 2012

Little Things

I apologise profusely for my lack of updates on here. it seems that I have been exceptionally lazy these last few weeks as the end of season quickly approaches.  Things have been drastically changing right before my eyes, in the sense of relationships within the resort as well as resort workers.

Gavin left and to be honest I haven't really been the same since. Gary our manager said to me today that he worries about me because i'm not all bubbly and happy and i'm very solemn. Personally i do not think i am a bubbly happy person anyway, but i have been exceptionally solemn these past couple of weeks. After Gavin left I kinda sidled back to Alex, however my debaucheries elsewhere has led to the demise of our friendship i think. We used to have some great conversations and go skiing and watch dvds etc. now, i am ignored when in the same company and don't do any of those things anymore. It is kind of sad really I feel that i have not only lost one friend but another.

So as a result, i met a lovely French man on a night out and have been on a few dates. He is a snowboarder, who works for skiset and is very gentlemanly. It make a nice change from the English seasonnaires who basically want to use as many girls as possible. I on the other hand am using my new friend for French lessons and for a snowboarding companion as my relations with the girl in the company i board with have diminished and i have become a bit of a loner. (What's new there!)

Anyway, on a possibly lighter note, it is my birthday tomorrow. I think that is as light as it gets really. The night before I hoped I would have some romantic evening or at least a cosy one cuddled up in bed with someone watching a good dvd. But no. I am here writing for you guys, which is not so bad, and I have a dvd all lined up. Crazy, Stupid Love, with Ryan Gosling in, who happens to be my future husband.

Enough prattling on. This really is nothing to do with a ski season unfortunately, it's just me unloading onto the world as per norm. I shall attempt to write an entry tomorrow with some pics so that you can see how my day went. :) Ciao for now xxx

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