Sunday 19 February 2012


Ok so this post is not really about snowboarding or anything to do with skiing really. But it's something that has been bugging me for a little while. I live with two other members of staff, my chef Ollie and my ski host Rachel. So Rachel has a boyfriend and Ollie is single.

I bet you can guess where this is going really. It's really rather an awkward situation. The two spend all their spare time together, one is touchy feely, and they never socialize with the other members of the team. Most nights i go to bed and Rachel does not arrive until about 1am or 2am which wakes me up.

Does this mean that i can freely bring guys back to my place? Or do i technically still share a room? It's a real eggshell area. Especially as i cannot stand people who cheat on their partners. I know that if the role was reversed Rachel would be highly sensitive and extremely upset by it. I feel like a consipartor to the cheating by not telling her boyfriend, but obviously it really is not my place to say anything.

Any thoughts or comments upon this situation would be appreciated :)

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