Tuesday 25 June 2013


I'm a bit of a fan of C.S. Lewis, the Narnia Chronicles really are an excellent set. As I found this quote I realised that right now I do not have a true goal or dream right now. How sad is that? I'm lacking in motivation right now after my idealistic dreams of France have been dashed (for the time being). 

The past two weeks have been spent bulk applying for jobs and additionally a bit of financial aid. After all, if I need to travel to interviews etc. it costs a fair bit of money when you live out in the sticks. So far I've had few responses, a telephone interview today for a Graduate Management Scheme with a well known car rental firm. It went well, I am also waiting until the 15th July to find out about an amazing Internship opportunity with a snowsports PR company based in London. Fingers crossed for that. But I'm not sure if my heart is fully in this job search. A potential opportunity to work in Hawaii has come up, all I need is a Visa and flights and hopefully accommodation will be provided. 

Anyways aside from the job searching I have been trying to get back into my old favourite past times, they're not instilling the calm that they used to. But hey ho. Keep your fingers crossed for me! :)


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