Wednesday 12 June 2013


I ought to let you know. France is a dream I've lost. I'm back in England now, licking my wounds and healing my pride. 

My internship didn't work out, the conditions were changed and I was uninformed of these changes. 200€ a month is not enough to live on in the south of France. So I took a stand and said "F#?*k this s#*t" and came home having made a serious loss of money but a serious gain in life experience.

I'm in Bristol right now sitting in a train to go to Norfolk to visit my grandfather which is well overdue. Yesterday I had a group interview for a recruitment job. However, they sussed my dirty little secret. That I do not know what I want and that's what they don't want. So, now I'm back to square one trying to decide what I want in life! 

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