The past two weeks have been spent bulk applying for jobs and additionally a bit of financial aid. After all, if I need to travel to interviews etc. it costs a fair bit of money when you live out in the sticks. So far I've had few responses, a telephone interview today for a Graduate Management Scheme with a well known car rental firm. It went well, I am also waiting until the 15th July to find out about an amazing Internship opportunity with a snowsports PR company based in London. Fingers crossed for that. But I'm not sure if my heart is fully in this job search. A potential opportunity to work in Hawaii has come up, all I need is a Visa and flights and hopefully accommodation will be provided.
Anyways aside from the job searching I have been trying to get back into my old favourite past times, they're not instilling the calm that they used to. But hey ho. Keep your fingers crossed for me! :)