Wednesday 30 November 2011

Busy Day Spending!

It's been a long two days. I have finished my job as a receptionist in the dead hotel at the end of the land. Thank the lord! I had been waiting for the moment for 6 months counting down the days! It feels kind of strange to know I probably won't be going back there to work. But also very good.

I spent the last two days receiving and buying a lot of things for my forthcoming adventure. The whole one bag for five months has gotten me all stressed out. I went all the way to Plymouth today (a fair old trip from as far west in Cornwall as you can get) just to buy some new make up. I had got it in my head that i needed the best stuff and all compact. I ended up spending what I would call a small fortune, on a tinted moisturiser, concealer, mascara and an eyeshadow palette...... it came to roughly £75. In the post yesterday came my new ghd straighteners. I love them! and they're so light and really quite compact. These purchases have all been in aid of reducing the amount of what i will be taking. No doubt some people will think it is consumerism getting to me. Indeed this could be true, but i feel good all the same!

I am going to go to bed now, it's been a long day and i got an early start tomorrow (early hair appointment, one last cut before i leave!). I'll try and get some pics up soon!

Thanks for reading :) xoxo

Monday 28 November 2011

6 days to go!

To say I'm nervous about this adventure would be an understatement of the century. I'm terrified! But I'm not exactly sure why, because I know I will enjoy the job, I've done housekeeping, reception work before, yes my waitressing skills leave a lot to be desired but I can improve those with some effort.

So yesterday, a cold windy Sunday and only a week before I leave. I thought it may be a good idea to actually try some packing. I had managed to put everything in the spare room that I thought I would need. Some things had already gone in the handy vacuum pack bags I bought specially for the occasion. But after cramming, 2 ski jackets, 2 salopettes (ski trousers), thermals, socks, and then normal clothes, my bag was crammed full with no room for essentials such as underwear, make up and hair dryer etc.
I was nearly in tears! This called for some scaling down. I try not to pack the kitchen sink, but I like to be prepared for any emergency that may come may way! It took about half an hour of pulling my clothes out and trying them on to see what would go with what to whittle down what i needed. Plus a different way of packing..... Lying everything long and flat instead of rolled up!  It worked, but still no underwear, jumpers etc packed yet! I think I'm hoping for some kind of divine intervention.

I'm going all the way to Plymouth on Wednesday just to buy some new makeup to take with me. Some actual good quality makeup that should last 5 months. So wish me luck on that expedition! 
Right better get on with doing some work!

Friday 25 November 2011

Hi there

So like many people i am a blog virgin! I am not sure how these things really work and i doubt anyone will really read this. I have a painful use of exclamation marks which probably makes me sound excited all the time but i'm really not. I am trying to curb this enthusiasm!

No doubt you're wondering why I decided to start a blog considering I don't know much about them? I finished uni earlier this year and haven't really known what i wanted to do. I was offered a head receptionist job at the hotel i currently work in. However, they gave the job to someone else... twice. Not impressed, and as my lowly receptionist job is only seasonal, as many hotel jobs are in Cornwall, I have decided to do a ski season. I do not know where I will be sent, apart from that I have 4 days training in Vallandry starting on Monday 5th December.

So, if you fancy coming along fro the ride and experiencing my ski season without the hard work or effort of actually moving country for 5 months, drop in from time to time and see what it's like. Who knows maybe you'll want to do a season afterwards?