Monday 30 April 2012

Back to the real world

One thing that my employer liked to tell us during training and through out the season was that working there was not the real world. Sounds funny when you put it like that, it's hardly as if we were in a fantasy world? Turns out as soon as you are back you realise, it dawns upon you like a ton of bricks. It really is not the real world. You don't have to worry about bills, petrol prices, taxes, etc. important things. You slip into a world with very little real life responsibility, and the responsibility that you do has over trivial things becomes very important.

I've been home just over a week now, and the dream of powder, mountains and demi peche seem to have slipped away. In their place, are the worries of finding a semi decent paying job, where I'm going to find the money for filling up my car and most importantly, how am I going to curb my spending habit. After 18 weeks of nearly having a 100 euros cash in hand tips, it's going to be difficult getting used to having no money at all!